I created this blog in 2012. It uses an obsolete code and cannot be hosted by my server which is also being phased out. You can find me on Instagram. Thanks for following me all these years. See you soon.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Monday, June 13, 2022
Then and now. I lived through the last years of the Carter administration with 12 % inflation rate and 20% interest rates. I was giving my employees a raise every three months just to help offset the inflation. The difference between then and now is that the cost of fuel was stable. The recession was caused by the Fed raising rates to cool the economy which worked eventually after Reagan cut taxes and regulations. Today, under Biden's direction they printed money which drove inflation. But the real problem now is the war on fossil fuels has caused the cost of energy to sky rocket across the board. Cancelling drilling permits, the Keystone pipeline, restricting Anwar exploration and making it almost impossible for energy companies to produce is the real cause of the rapid inflation we see today. Our energy production was the envy of the world and we could have provided Europe with enough fuel to offset Russian oil and gas. Fuel of all types is a component of all prices. No matter what, it tales energy to deliver everything without exception. Crops, food, furniture, cars and trucks, you name it, all rely on energy to be delivered. That's why this is so different than under Carter. The Progressives and left want to break America by destroying the lower and middle class---period! No one in their right mind thinks that doing away with fossil fuels is the answer or even possible. Can't be done. Everything runs on oil to lubricate, power or as a raw material in so many of our day to day manufactured products. EVs, (electric vehicles) charge on fossil fuel or nuclear, very little wind and solar. I suggest that they contract with the utilities to buy only solar and wind energy to charge their cars. That would be the end of that. We are hearing about rolling brown outs this summer. Really? When China and India are building coal fired generating plants as fast as they can we are decommissioning our and preventing the building of efficient nuclear plants. And make no mistake, this in not incompetence, mis-directed environmentalism or blatant stupidity, it is on purpose! Fight it with all you've got. Even before November. Do not hesitate to engage with the facts. Most liberals and Biden supporters will try to rationalize their views but a calm presentation of the facts will help them see the error of their ways.
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
We have started to pay attention to what is really going on.
For a hundred years the Progressives (Communists/Marxists) have been slowly infiltrating all of our institutions, government, schools, universities and military. We have not been paying attention. Many school boards are elected by a small fraction of eligible voters. The same for school budgets. The last straw is CRT. Critical Race Theory is racist to the max and teaches that whites are inherently racist and non-whites are always victims. Once again the liberals are trying to divide the country to maintain their power. If they can convince non white voters that they cannot succeed without the help of Democrats then they think most blacks and non whites will vote for them. The resistance to this is rapidly growing across the country. School board meetings are showing how upset the parents are with this subversive and unpatriotic philosophy. The same goes for all the "Woke" proposals and decisions being forced on them. I could care less if an adult chooses to change gender, but when small children are being taught that they may not be the gender they were born as this is not acceptable! This is all part of a grand scheme to destroy our patriotic culture and our democracy. The "For the people Act" that supposedly guarantees voters rights is actually the pathway to illegal voting that would allow democrats to steal another election. To say the black population isn't smart enough to obtain a photo ID is not only insulting but the ultimate in systemic racism. You must not only pay attention to what is being taught to your children, you must actually fight this subversion by getting involved in school board decisions, withholding contributions to schools and universities and pulling your kids out of schools that are pushing this philosophy. I hope and pray that the majority of voters from both parties will understand what is going on and finally throw the bums out.