Sign on a house near Chautauqua Lake in southwestern New York by Karl E. Sparn, Jr.
Here is a guy that has it figured out, as have millions of other patriotic American's. "Barack H. Obama...COMMUNIST...Plain and Simple". That says it all! The fact is that his grandparents, his parents, his mentor Franklin Marshal Davis (who lived with his mother and is mentioned many times in Obama's book) were all devoted Communists. Obama has hired communists in the White House, is surrounded by communists and is advised by communists. Van Jones, an unabashed communist, was the Green Energy Czar until he was exposed and dismissed. He is still speaking and promoting Communism and defending Obama's ideology which is designed to take us to Socialism. Some people who should be more informed say Obama is just inexperienced, well meaning, unintelligent, etc. Not true. He knows exactly what he is doing. He is following the plan of Saul Alinsky in "Rules for Radicals". "First, break the system". That is what Obama is doing---breaking the system. Nearing $16 trillion in national debt, promoting and putting more people on welfare, food stamps and all sorts of government (Taxpayer) funded programs with two purposes; the former as stated and buying votes by promising more money and benefits. If he is not defeated by Mitt Romney in November the country is lost---LOST!