Recovering but still not hopeful.
Todays Peggy Noonan column in the WSJ was very good. Great column and mostly right in her assessment of Obama except for the conclusion. Obama does not care about jobs recovery. He is not making a mistake because his only plan is to drive America down. He sees it and will do nothing except try to make it worse while saying it's getting better. And he relies on the common man's trusting nature (or stupidity) that thinks he can't possibly intend to purposely harm the country. Yes he can!
We had an interesting week last week. First, on Sunday, February 10th we were invited to a small thank you lunch for Mitt Romney in Palm Beach. We got to spend quite a bit of one on one time with him and Mrs. Romney and met some very important people. Bill Koch and his wife were there. Extreemly nice for a Billionaire! But you can see why Romney lost---too polite and not really in touch with the grass roots.
Next, we got a call from Florida Governor Rick Scott's social secretary asking if we had time to meet with the Governor. I almost said, "Are you sh__ing me?" but I didn't. I said of course and Tuesday late afternoon, after the appropriate security precautions including several fly overs by a state police helicopter, the Governor showed up at our house "just to get acquainted". We had almost an hour to discuss various things and were VERY impressed with what he has been able to accomplish since he was elected. Even a Democrat state representative said in the morning paper that this is the first time in five years that they will start the legislative session without a deficit. He has cut the waiting time for permits to one and a half days from forty five, eliminated sixteen hundred unnecessary rules and regulations and appointed over seventy judges. Also very pro second ammendment.
All in all, quite a week.