Thursday, August 26, 2021

Not enough space to put all the adjectives that describe how bad this guy is and how inept his team is.  Energy, jobs, border debacle, and now the disaster in Afghanistan.  Shameful and tragic.  God save us from this Progressive traitor! 

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

 We have started to pay attention to what is really going on.

For a hundred years the Progressives (Communists/Marxists) have been slowly infiltrating all of our institutions, government, schools, universities and military.  We have not been paying attention.  Many school boards are elected by a small fraction of eligible voters. The same for school budgets.  The last straw is CRT.  Critical Race Theory is racist to the max and teaches that whites are inherently racist and non-whites are always victims.  Once again the liberals are trying to divide the country to maintain their power.  If they can convince non white voters that they cannot succeed without the help of Democrats then they think most blacks and non whites will vote for them. The resistance to this is rapidly growing across the country.  School board meetings are showing how upset the parents are with this subversive and unpatriotic philosophy.  The same goes for all the "Woke"  proposals and decisions being forced  on them.  I could care less if an adult chooses to change gender, but when small children are being taught that they may not be the gender they were born as this is not acceptable!  This is all part of a grand scheme to destroy our patriotic culture and our democracy.  The "For the people Act" that supposedly guarantees voters rights is actually the pathway to illegal voting that would allow democrats to steal another election.  To say the black population isn't smart enough to obtain a photo ID is not only insulting but the ultimate in systemic racism.  You must not only pay attention to what is being taught to your children, you must actually fight this subversion by getting involved in school board decisions, withholding contributions to schools and universities and pulling your kids out of schools that are pushing this philosophy.  I hope and pray that the majority of voters from both parties will understand what is going on and finally throw the bums out.  

Sunday, May 16, 2021

 Have I been censored?

All of a sudden I can't see my Facebook posts and this blog does not come up when you go to If anyone reads this please let me know.  It just keeps getting worse! 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

I feel sorry for the black population.  They have been lied to, used and kept ignorant and uneducated by the Democrats who are the real racists.  Many have no chance to get out of the ghetto or get a decent job because they are better off on welfare. If the black leaders would urge their constituents to obey the law, stop shooting each other and not resist the police, then things could potentially get better.  Unfortunately, they continue to fan the flames of discontent, violent protest and lawlessness.  And now, instead of trying to defuse the situation, they want to defund or even abolish the police so their constituents can break the law with no consequence.  This is insane!  I am an old white guy and have never been a racist.  Eighty million white people voted twice for Obama. (Not Me) This attempt to use race as a weapon against anyone who disagrees or even, God forbid, criticizes any black person is disingenuous, phony and a blatant attempt to use race to feather their own nest for power.  The cancel culture and woke crowd is the same.  They all need to be cancelled and the rest of the population needs to resist this lunacy.  Maxine Waters should be censured by congress as she has said and done much worse than president Trump.  Systemic racism does not for the most part exist and the disinformation preached by the black leaders only serves to make things worse.  Most black people are honest, hard working and only want a chance to get a good education.  The racist anti America rhetoric being taught in our schools, even in predominately white suburban schools, is disgraceful and must be stopped.

Monday, April 5, 2021

 Border, taxes, spending, regulation, price of gas.  All bad because of Biden. 

 What’s going on?

Around a hundred years ago the communists changed their name to Progressive because Communism had fallen out of favor. They have been working ever since to convert the country to Socialism or Communism or Democratic Socialism, whatever you want to call it, as long as they can get control of the country. They have done this by buying votes by promising “free” stuff. This has been done by reducing or even eliminating taxes on half the population, welfare and transfer payments and taxing productivity and success because working hard is somehow “unfair”. They have infiltrated our schools, especially our universities, our armed forces, our local governments, our media and our police forces. They have succeeded in dumbing down even the most basic education standards to keep the masses poorly educated and minorities on the plantation. And now no matter what the issue the root cause is “Racism”. If you are white you are automatically a racist. This is being taught and promulgated in our schools and repeated by the corrupt media which has devolved into the Democrats propaganda machine. No longer teaching what makes America exceptional and the source of freedom and good in the world, they are teaching our youth to be racist, intolerant and “Woke”, whatever the hell that means. The Democrats lie and distort absolutely everything. The corruption of the government is appalling. Every major city is a mess and all are run and controlled by Democrats. And now they are letting convicted criminals out of jail and eliminating bail for all but the most serious crimes. No wonder the crime rate is way up.

What to do?
We have to fight this scourge with everything we have. The cancel culture must be cancelled. Resist! If someone says something ridiculous do not be silent, call them out. Parents are mortgaging their homes to send their kids to universities that make their kids more reprehensible, to quote Douglas Murray, whom I posted above. The most racist people are those that claim racism or that they are “oppressed” while getting a free ride to the best schools and universities. And now even corporate America is caving in to the left’s claims that requiring voters to be identified is racist. No one can get on a plane or go to a doctor without an ID. This is a ruse to allow cheating and vote harvesting in every future election and must be stopped. With the help of the corrupt media they will continue to pollute the minds of the public with their propaganda. Step up. Even a little. They rely on decent people to be polite while being led to the destruction of our beloved America, the last best hope for freedom and goodness in the world.

Monday, March 29, 2021

I never worried much until now.

 I was born during WWII. I was a kid during the Korean war. I worried during the cold war about nuclear attack. I was drafted during the Viet Nam war. I survived five major recessions and managed to stay in business. I was never too concerned even when I was sent overseas or had to do whatever it took to stay in business. But now, with what the left is doing to our country and how they are keeping minorities uneducated, censoring any speech that disagrees with them and promoting voting without any ID I believe we are past the tipping point. We must fight the mass media propaganda machine, but how? Only by countering their lies by telling the truth can we combat this scourge on the nation. The Woke and Cancel culture has to be resisted. The major corporations and agencies are gutless and controlled by the left who punish any common sense resistance to this nonsense. When they get so rich on the freedoms America has provided something happens to them. They can afford to be Liberal and want the rest of us to pay for their Socialist ideas. I can only hope that there are still a few loyal and down deep patriotic senators that will resist until we take back the house and senate in 2022. God help America.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Super Bowl commercials show systemic racism is over.

While watching the Super Bowl commercials I was so happy to see that systemic racism is finally over.  About 90% featured all black actors, some black actors or at least one black actor.  Full employment for minority actors in commercials is evident.  Glad to see they are making progress.  

Sunday, February 7, 2021

 It just gets worse.  Energy, borders, free speech and censorship.  Very worrisome to say the least.

Sorry I haven't posted lately but they changed the procedure and it took me two hours this morning to figure it out.