Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Dear Editor,

Joe Boudreau says in today’s paper that he is not proud to live in a ‘right to work” state.  Perhaps he should move to New York where I am from.  I emphasize “from” as the high taxes caused by the complete control of New York by the unions have caused the state to be bordering on bankruptcy and taxes to be more than twice as high as they are here.  On the other hand, Right to Work states have much lower taxes, are growing and have consistently created more jobs than forced union  states. 

No intelligent employer mistreats his employees.  The workers are the backbone of any company and the most important asset.  Unions prevent hard workers from being promoted, drive up costs and lower productivity all in the search for more forced union dues.  They protect incompetent teachers, force layoffs of good employees and generally hamper good management.  Unions will never give up the dues from one unnecessary worker to help the company or the taxpayer.  Right to Work requires unions to actually earn their members’ dues.  Most workers want to do a good job.  If they do too good a job some union steward will tap them on the shoulder and tell them to “slow down, you’re ruining it for the rest of us”.  If unions are so good, why has the number of union members steadily declined in spite of laws that are slanted in favor of unions?  Now, Obama has packed the National Labor Relations Board with pro union people that are issuing new rules to make it even easier for unions to force more people to pay dues.  It has nothing to do with safety or equal pay and everything to do with being able to buy influence with politicians.  The workers are secondary.

Joe should move.

Robert Brinkman

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