Friday, September 14, 2012

Taxing the rich taxes all  

The political cartoon in Thursday’s Democrat and Chronicle shows the rich giving Romney a hug while holding tax cuts.

I would like to explain a few things to your readers about the “Tax the Rich” mantra being promoted by the President, the liberals and democrats.  I started in business in 1970 with 17 employees.  I built the business to over 400 employees, but  in 2008 we shrunk to less than 300 and are still struggling to stay at that level.   In that 42 years my company paid over 60 million dollars in taxes so I figure I helped build a few roads and bridges while I and my many dedicated, hard working employees built the company.   So I didn't build that alone, I had a lot of help---but not from the government!

Now to my point.  Besides having very good health insurance and other benefits, I have a 401K profit sharing plan that over the years has accumulated millions in retirement funds for our employees.  If you tax me, (one of the greedy millionaires they love to bash), you tax all my employees.  All of them.  From the janitor to the highest paid machinist.  Not only would there be less profit to share with the employees who helped earn it, there would also be less to reinvest in growing the company or buying the latest equipment with which to remain competitive.  The reason there is no recovery, and I do mean no recovery, is that small businesses like mine have absolutely no confidence in this government or what is being done to the economy by the Obama administration.  Tax and spend does not and will never work.  Only by freeing business from this high taxation and over regulation will the economy recover.  If the American public sees small business hiring then the confidence to spend will return to the consumer, the ultimate determiner of economic growth.   Mitt Romney will restore that confidence.

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